eng ita

Ristorante La Cassolette
Tel:+39 0165864111
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Una gioia per il palato e gli occhi i piatti serviti nelle due sale ristorante, La Fenêtre, grande e luminosa con le sue vetrate sul Monte Bianco, e La Cassolette, elegante e raccolta. Nella bella stagione si potrà pranzare all’aperto sulla terrazza esterna che si affaccia sulla piscina.
La cucina, leggera e in linea con le moderne esigenze, utilizza i prodotti naturali del nostro orto e valorizza quelli genuini e tradizionali del territorio.
A joy for palate and eyes is the food served in the two restaurant rooms: “La Fenetre”, spacious and bright, with its wide windows which frame the view onto the Mont Blanc, and “La Cassolette”, elegant and cosy. In the warm season you can take your lunch on the outdoor terrace facing the swimming pools.

The cuisine, light and in line with modern demand, uses the natural products of our vegetable garden and brings out the genuine and traditional products of the Region.


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A This partner will entitle you with extraordinary privileges, which might be huge discounts, upgrades, personalized offers and opportunities or a welcome gift. To get the privilege, you need to be a qualified Eliwor membership.


Località la Croisette 36, La Salle

Ristorante La Cassolette